Downloading data

PricePanorama retrieves data from monitored stores, auction, and advertisement services by scanning them with software applications called crawlers, scrapers or simply scanners.


Our scanners constitute our proprietary software based on cloud computing technologies, which enable us to scan over 10 000 stores every day.

As a rule, we start scanning stores within 7 days from the start of a new project.

Some stores, auction and price comparison sites, require us to create dedicated scanners, which may affect the time and cost of implementing such projects.

We collect data from monitored stores every day.

PricePanorama works with stores in any language, with prices in any currency. We have experience in scanning English, German, Italian, Ukrainian, and even Japanese stores.

The way our scanners work and the scope of the collected data is consistent with the recommendations of technical standards (RFC2616, HTTPBIS) and legal regulations in Poland.

What kind of data do we collect?

We collect information necessary for the purpose of monitoring prices, i.e. product names, prices, and availability from the monitored sites. It is also possible to retrieve information about the stocks of the product in selected stores.

Data Quality Management

Scanning results are analyzed statistically every day to make sure they are reliable.

This way we can, for example, detect changes in the design and appearance of the monitored sites, which could affect the correct collection of data.

In case of any problems, we inform our clients of their scope, effects, and time of re-scanning.

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